Study 1 : Questions

1. What will most help develop our faith in God?
□ Going to church
□ Prayerful Bible study
□ Talking to Christians
□ Looking at nature.

2. Which of the following is the most correct definition of God?
□ Just an idea in our mind
□ A piece of Spirit in the atmosphere
□ There is no God
□ A real, material person

3. Is God
□ A unity
□ A trinity
□ Many gods in one
□ Impossible to define in any way?

4. What does God's Name 'Yahweh Elohim' mean?
□ He who will be
□ He who will be revealed in a group of mighty ones
□ A great one
□ Strength

5. What does the word 'Angel' mean?
□ Man-like
□ Wing covered
□ Messenger

6. Can Angels sin?
□ Yes
□ No

7. What most convinces you that there is a God?