6.1 The 'devil' as a word means
'false accuser' or 'slanderer'.
6.2 'Satan' as a word means
6.3 and can refer to both good and bad people.
Figuratively, the devil and satan can refer to sin and the flesh. Sin
and temptation come from within a person.
6.5 The serpent in Eden
was a literal animal;
6.6 the Genesis record of man's creation and
fall is to be understood literally rather than in purely symbolic terms.
6.7 'Demons' as sinful spirits, departed spirits or forces of sin do not
6.8 Christ 'casting out demons' can be understood as a piece
of language which effectively means that he cured sicknesses.
Lucifer does not refer to a sinful Angel.
6.10 God is all powerful;
He does not share His power with any sinful being who is opposed to His
6.11 Trials in the life of a believer ultimately come from God
rather than being the result of 'bad luck' or a sinful being called the
There is a specialized website about the devil and satan at http://www.realdevil.info ; see the movie The Real Devil