4.1 By nature
man is mortal, prone to sin, and
4.2 cursed as a result of Adam's sin.
Christ had this human nature.
4.4 The soul refers to 'us', our body, thinking
or person.
4.5 The Spirit refers to our life force/breath and disposition.
4.6 No one can exist as a spirit without a body.
4.7 Death is a state of
4.8 At Christ's return there will be a bodily resurrection
only of those who have known the true Gospel.
4.9 Knowledge and appreciation
of God's word will be the basis of the judgment.
4.10 The full granting of
immortality will occur at the judgment seat.
4.11 The punishment of the
responsible wicked will be eternal death.
4.12 'Hell' refers to the grave.
4.13 'Gehenna' was an area outside Jerusalem where rubbish and criminals were